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Catalog - selected vocal works

Mozart's Don Giovanni - a rock opera - Web Link
The Lotus and The Elephant for Soprano and Piano - 

I - Lakshmi-Score Web Link | Recording Web Link 
II - Kali - Score Web Link  
 | Recording Web Link


The Tell-Tale Heart - a monodrama for Tenor (available for all voice parts)

Piano/Vocal Score - Score Weblink | MIDI Recording Link
Three Songs of Edgar Allen Poe  - for mezzo/baritone or soprano/tenor, with piano or woodwind quintet

I - Prelude/Eulalie (for him) - Score Weblink

II - Bridal Ballad (for her) - Score Weblink

III- The Happiest Day, The Happiest Hour (for them) - Score Weblink


Three Songs of Laura Elizabeth Richards - for soprano and piano, SSA trio or chorus

I - Skinny Mrs. Snipkin and Fat Mrs. Wobbelchin - Score Weblink | MIDI recording weblink

II - The Mermaidens - Score Weblink | MIDI recording weblink

III - The Umbrella Brigade - Score Weblink | MIDI recording weblink


The Three Princes - an opera for young audiences (or young singers)

Score Weblink | Libretto Weblink

3 men, 3 women, piano or woodwind quintet or chamber or full orchestra



Works in Progress - with new English translation and rock orchestration

Schubert Song Cycle
Dido and Aeneas
Magic Flute


©2021 by Adam B. Levowitz.

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